Enforcing Style Conventions – Git Hooks

Code and style conventions are crucial in team projects and across a company because they promote consistency, making the code easier to read, understand, and maintain. Conventions facilitate smoother on boarding of new developers and enable better collaboration.

The Hybrid model — broken-by-design

REMIS changes how ships are detected from space. Instead of sending all satellite images to Earth for analysis, REMIS processes and selects relevant images directly onboard the satellite. This reduces detection time from days to just hours, making maritime monitoring faster and more efficient.

REMIS Project: Accelerating Ship Detection Using AI in Space

REMIS changes how ships are detected from space. Instead of sending all satellite images to Earth for analysis, REMIS processes and selects relevant images directly onboard the satellite. This reduces detection time from days to just hours, making maritime monitoring faster and more efficient.

Bergen: FPGA-meetup & Guest Lecture

Hello Bergen!
We’re excited to invite you to Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL) Kronstad for an inspiring day with a guest lecture by our CEO, Espen Tallaksen, followed by an FPGA meetup featuring engaging presentations and networking.

Step by step: Thermal Management

Raspberry Pi 5, Thermal Management

Electronics produce heat, and without proper management, this heat can break your components.
In this article we will take a look at the Raspberry Pi 5, to see how the thermal management is handled there, but the setup will be pretty similar between all devices.

Solar Technology & Panel Operation

Download this White Paper as PDF. Circuit model The first step in understanding the electrical operation of solar panels is to see how a single photovoltaic (PV) cell is modeled. This is presented in Figure 1, where the main elements are the current source and the diode, (more simplistic models omit the resistors altogether). The […]

Automating U-Boot development and testing workflow

Developing and testing changes to U-Boot can be a tedious and manual process if you constantly have to disconnect and update the boot storage medium used for every change. A more convenient approach with a shorter feedback loop is to upload the changes directly to the target’s memory or even file system while the target […]

Introduction to Scoreboards in UVVM

The most common kind of verification of a design made in VHDL is simple directed testing where the expected data is expected in the same order as the stimuli that produced each output data element. The goal is to verify that some known stimuli towards the DUT results in expected data on the outputs of […]